Monday, September 17, 2007

Entrepreneurship at UNC-Greensboro

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro has announced the launch of a new comprehensive, campus-wide entrepreneurship program. Building Entrepreneurial Learning for Life, or BELL, is starting this fall and will ensure that all students, regardless of their majors, will be exposed to the world of starting and operating not-for-profit as well as for-profit enterprises. The UNC Board of Governors has mandated that the economic development needs of the state must become a central objective of the university system. Read more...

This is a fascinating concept and is quite interesting on several levels. First, it recognizes the importance of entrepreneurship in preparing students for success in the economy of the future. Second, it represents a major commitment by the University to the economic development of the state.

How are we doing in Delaware with regard to our efforts to promote entrepreneurial activity? How can we increase our interactions with our own universities and colleges to help promote entrepreneurial education and make sure they are active partners in our state’s economic development? Would love to hear about current things that are going on or ideas for some initiatives we could pursue in this regard.


Pete Bailey said...

There seems to be strong content in the entrepreneurship sessions. It would be interesting to see if we could form a consortium of local business schools to develop and support a program such as this for the NCCCC incubator.

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